Friday, August 31, 2007

Nights in Barcelona

Most of what we did in Barcelona happened at night. At all times of the night people are out and about. The first night we got there, Chad, Ashley and I went drinking with our Australian roommates and some Canadians. After a while, one of the Australians busted out his camera and showed us a video he had secretly taken during some hanky-panky with the French chick in the bunk next to mine. He was quite proud! As we were walking back around 3 am, there were people that were just going out for the night. Most nights we stayed out until the sun came up. Late afternoon siestas were a must. This is definitely not a sustainable lifestyle for me, but it was great fun for the week we were there.

One night I was alone buying a falafel, when all the sudden two guys tackled me in the middle of the busy street and started punching me. It turned out to be Tyler and Taylor, who had flown into Barcelona, after some time in Madrid, and randomly ran into me on the street. We celebrated this coincidence by buying a six pack from a guy in the street and making it quickly disappear, shotgun style, on the sidewalk. Nobody cared.

We didn’t have any plans at night. We would usually start out at a bar, and then wander out eventually. We would split up, run into each other throughout various parts of the night, and wander around the back alleys. The streets in Barcelona are perfect for exploring. The way the stone streets and buildings glow at night makes it feel like a dream.

We would buy bottles of red wine for 1 euro each, and drink them as we walked. One night Even, Tyler, Ryan and I happened upon an acoustic guitarist playing in an alley. His Spanish guitar echoed brilliantly off the walls. We just sat and soaked it all in for about two hours, drinking wine, talking with him, and enjoying the moment.

The streets were addicting. We didn’t want to leave, so we didn’t. We left our watches at the room, and just went with the flow. I didn’t have a care in the world except for what was around the next corner.

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