Friday, August 31, 2007

...And We Get Robbed

Towards the end of our stay, Ashley and I fell victim to these people. It was about an hour before sunrise, and we had just left a small jazz club. We bought a bottle of wine and were wondering around the streets. We ran into Steve and Michelle for a bit, and then took a seat in one of the alleys. We were drinking our wine, talking, and enjoying the peace and quite, when a really scary looking black dude comes running around the corner right at us. “Coca!” he yells, “You want coca!” Ashley told him to get away and then he grabbed at her legs. I shoved him off and he took off running down the street. We didn’t realize until we left that had snatched her camera from between her legs. I also found that my camera was missing, picked from a Spanish guy that had put his arm around me a few hours back. It gave me a pretty sick feeling.

Most everybody that I know that has been to Barcelona has gotten something stolen. Things disappear so fast around here it is ridiculous. You have to keep your stuff close and tight and never let your guard down. Better yet, just don’t carry anything but a few euros with you.

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