Friday, August 31, 2007


Now I’ve heard from plenty of mothers that nobody you meet after twelve has good intentions, and there are certainly a lot of undesirables out at night in Barcelona. After the soccer game, Evan and I were walking around, and we ran into four Brazilians and started talking to them about the game. One of the girls was getting high off of a rag that smelled like paint thinner. She kept huffing it, and then she tried to kiss me. She may have been trying to pickpocket me, but it grossed me out. They then tried to sell us some cocaine, and we parted ways.

There are a huge number of pickpockets on the streets. They are not subtle at all. They walk up to you and grab at your belongings with no shame. There are also hookers all over the place, and they also are not subtle either. I had one come up and ask if I wanted something I can’t repeat here, and then grabbed my junk in front of all my friends.

A lot of the sketchy people come across from Morocco. I was told by somebody that Morocco is safer than Spain now because all the riff-raff is in Barcelona.

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