Thursday, August 30, 2007

Nice View!

The day before we landed in Cadiz we stopped in Gibraltar to refuel. Gibraltar is the southernmost tip of Spain, where there is only a small straight of water separating Europe from Africa. The evening that we were in Gibraltar I spent some time out on the top deck. It was chilly and cloudy out, and from where we were docked in Spain, I could see clear across the water to Morocco. This marked the fourth time on this trip that I could see two continents from one spot. In Istanbul we could see across the Bosporus to Europe from our dock on the Asian side. We could see Asia and Africa from the ship when entering the Red Sea, with Yemen on our right and Djibouti on our left. I got to see Asia and Africa again at the Israeli border (or the Suez Canal, depending on where you place Sinai.) Next I just need to get down to Panama and I should have just about all of the trans-continental views covered.

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