Friday, November 24, 2006

What's in the pack?

I know that everybody is dying to know what I carry in my pack. This is what came out of it when I got back from my 6-day trip in Egypt.

Clothes: Shoes, 1 pair pants, belt, 5 pair socks, 5 pair underwear, 3 T-shirts, thermal long sleeve, fleece, jacket, swim shorts(cause you never know), and a beanie

Toiletries: Deodorant, toothbrush/paste, J&J head-to-toe soap, Neosporin, hand sanitizer (essential), toilet paper (even more essential), bug repellant, Malaria pills, travel towel

Other Stuff: Watch, Guidebook, pocketknife, flashlight, journal, sunglasses, money belt, passport, local currency, credit cards

Notice that I had exactly one Egyptian pound left when I stepped off the bus in Alexandria. That is equivalent to 17 cents. If that isn’t perfect planning then I don’t know what is.

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