Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sea Olympics

Our cabins are divided into seven halls or ‘seas’. On our stretch from India to Egypt, we had a day of no classes called Sea ‘Lympics, where all the seas competed against each other in various events throughout the day. Events included tug-o-war, hot dog eating, synchronized swimming, dodge ball, freestyle rapping, etc.

The faculty put in a popular performance in synchronized swimming. Who doesn’t want to see six old men dancing around in shower caps? I was part of the winning suck-n-blow team, where the object is to pass a playing card down a line of ten people using just your mouth. Our whole team woke up with sore throats the next day, but we did our part to help the Baltic Sea, and that is what counts.

Everyone dressed in their sea’s colors, and my face was stained for three days from my orange war paint. This was definitely the most fun day at sea. If only we could do this everyday!

1 comment:

Brandon "Itchy" Taint said...

Go Red Team!!!