Thursday, September 06, 2007

This Is What Happens To My Enemies

Towards the end of the trip Tyler and Taylor started barging into my room at random times to “body-rock” me. Basically they would burst through my door and punch me in the stomach/ribs/kidneys until I started crying and screaming, and then they would run back to down the hall to the safety of their room. One particular night, they came into my room while I was out and changed the background of my computer to a fish-like rendering of a phallus that was composed on Microsoft Paint. I had only just discovered their artwork when they came bursting into my room and gave me a brutal beat down, which they filmed. And then again five minutes later they returned to pound on my bruised ribs even more. At his point I said enough is enough. I had over-packed big time, so I had multiple tall cans of shaving cream stashed under my bed. Locked and loaded, I marched down the hall, kicked in their door and emptied both cans into their room as they scattered and screamed like scared little girls. The whole time I was yelling, “How you like me now? Bitches!!!” I felt like the Terminator, it was glorious. That was the last I saw of them that night, as they had a big mess to clean up. Here is a picture of a demoralized and defeated looking Tyler, shortly after payback has been served.

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